Thursday, July 12, 2007

This was not my original blog idea, but I couldn't help writing this out as I was reading through applicants' forms to obtain a scholarship: People do not know how to write.

I am not saying that no one can make mistakes; everyone does, myself included. But how can you write a 4-page essay (the instructions clearly said one-page, 850 words max.) without reading it over? Or how can you read it over and not notice that -

- you spelled course "coarse". Twice.
- there is no verb in your "sentence".
- a question requires a question mark. Otherwise it's nothing, really, except a poorly constructed sentence.
- When you cite people, or books, say what or who they are. You can't say "bla bla blah" (John Coarvuzi) and expect people to know who that person is. Or "something or other using I to speak about yourself even though you're clearly not the one talking, because why would you quote yourself in your own essay?" (Johnson). Who the hell is Johnson?!
-If you say something like "taking care of him while his health discengrated slower and then quicker than a fly dies. it let me realize life prescious", maybe you should think about the fact that most people don't know how long it takes for a fly to die. I know I don't.

It just really bothers me that so many people can't write. I come accross this sometimes when I copy edit for my school newspaper, and often wonder why we let these people write for a publication. Or simply how the authors themselves aren't able to proof-read what they write.

Now let me just make sure I didn't make horrible grammar mistakes in this post.

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