Thursday, June 21, 2007

Gym World

Now that we are well into the summer, it finally dawned upon me that beach season isn't approaching anymore. It's Here. So for the past few days, I've been religiously hitting the gym and watching (somewhat) what I eat.

Last night, as I was riding my favorite cardio machine the elliptical, I was facing a mirror and that way could see everything that was happening behind me. And since there is nothing else to do when elliptical-ing, I started noticing things and thinking about how some of them just did NOT make sense, or were just funny.

The first thing that caught my attention was the girl using the bike behind me. She was sitting there peddling, all the while just hitting her things with her fists. I'm sure that does something in relaxing muscles, but she just kept hitting herself. Over and over.

Now the way the gym is constructed, there are 4 different parts to it, with walls but no doors between them (just opening in the walls). From my elliptical, I could only see the room I was in, and a little bit of the adjacent one. Then, out of the wall comes a man doing squats with weights. Though that is an excellent butt firmer, I had to keep myself from laughing as the man crossed the entire gym and back doing squats -- quite a sight.

This next one is one of my favorite: a kid was running backwards on the treadmill - and he was reading. Figure that one out. I know it left me pretty puzzled.
Now although the first three potentially have explainations, the last one doesn't. Why do people wear baseball hats in the gym?! I think I actually gave this one guy a pretty harsh look because he was wearing a perfectly good Yankees hat while he was working out. Please.

So that was my fun in the gym... Hopefully this will motivate some of you to go (I only know of two people reading this and they're both supposed to be working out... put those playlist to use dammit! =)

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