Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Umbrella Coordination

Walking out of the office for lunch, I saw people with umbrellas even though it wasn't raining, which I think is always ammusing (I love the feeling of stupidity when I realize I am still carrying my umbrella even though it stopped raining, but I didn't notice because duh! I've been sheltered by my loyal 'brella).

But the whole umbrella-with-no-rain got me thinking about the times when it does rain - and the crowded streets of New York are suddenly filled with big black umbrellas, which must look really impressive from high above. I've always thought it really organized and disciplined the way people manage to maneuver around each other when everyone is carrying an umbrella. There seems to be this unspoken agreement between two people as they near each other. "Ok, I'll put my umbrella up, you bring yours down to your head. GO!" and then somehow no one hits each other. Almost. Of course there's always the inconsiderate person who just keeps walking, not thinking that an umbrella takes up more space than no umbrella, and in the process hits countless people. Or the people who walk by themselves and carry an umbrella big enough to shelter 3, and by doing so take up the entire sidewalk. (And then people like me who forget their umbrellas and are trying to run can't pass them and get frustrated... or sometimes I just try to sneak under the umbrella with them and hope they won't notice. That technique has yet to work.) Yes, umbrellas are a good time. Rihanna was right to make a song about it.

Oh and this morning I almost laughed outloud when I saw a little girl walking with a normal size umbrella... she must have hit 5 people in a row without noticing. And of course, since she was short she hit all of them in the tummy. ouch.

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