Friday, June 29, 2007

Happy Friday!

Wow, have i really not blogged all week? that's not good... let me get back into it by sharing some random occurences of the day -

As I was making my way to the train this morning, I saw three Mexican guys walking. There was one first, then two a little bit behind him who were walking together. I am not being racist or anything, but seeing them is weird: I think I have seen them every single morning for the past 2 months. When I was walking to school, I would see them at different points on my route, depending on whether I overslept or not, and now that I have work I see them at pretty much the same place every day. And they're always walking in the same way. It makes me think of the Truman show (with Jim Carey, first movie I saw in English) and I start obvserving my surroundings more attentively. It keeps me entertained for a little bit!

When I went to lunch, a friend and I were walking the streets of Manhattan, and a few blocks after almost being run over by a few bikes (I swear those crazy people will be the end of me) we came by one of the rare phone booths still standing amongst us after the cell phone frenzy that took over the world. That's when we noticed a young asian man (what's up with the racial comment today you ask? I really don't know) clutching the phone to his ear, squatting down on the ground and being overly dramatic. I couldn't help but point as we passed by, and when we turned around after he had started rocking on the balls of his feet. I'm convinced that had we been closer, we would have heard him weep.

Finally, I have to make a comment about this: the iPhone craze is ridiculous. I saw lines and lines of people lined up in front of various at&t stores today, and I had to smile to myself. But at least they all looked happy, excited and content with themselves, so I held back any comments. Then I reminded myself that I would probably do the same for, say, Spice Girls reunion tour tickets?

Oh yes. They're back. Joy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Speaking of Asian men talking on cell phones... I work in Chinatown, and it seems that every worker has a Nextel phone that has the 'push to talk' option. I am Chinese and I will let you know first hand that Cantonese is a language that for some reason has to be spoken at a few decibels louder then normal communicational tone. Anyways, they love this feature and love to scream into the phone, so now because of Nextel I get to hear both sides of a pointless conversation while standing in line for coffee.